The Best Tinnitus Treatment Solutions

Solutions on How to Get Rid of Tinnitus

The Best Tinnitus Treatment Options

Tinnitus is an ear condition where people experience a slight or at times loud ringing in their ears and there are several reasons why some people develop tinnitus. As people age they are more prone to hearing loss and right before a total hearing loss takes place, a senior citizen has bouts of tinnitus.

Another reason why some people get tinnitus is because of overexposure to loud noises such as rock concerts, construction sites or machines used in the home. If you have ears clogged with earwax, you could get tinnitus. Here are examples of some of the best treatments for tinnitus.

Get Rid of Excess Earwax

If the tinnitus is caused by excess earwax, you need to get rid of some of it. You can do this by applying earwax remover, warm water or hydrogen peroxide to the inside of your ear. Not only does excess earwax reduce tinnitus but it also decreases hearing loss.

Ginkgo Biloba

This is an example of the best tinnitus treatment and some medical studies have proven the effectiveness of this herb. You can find Ginkgo Biloba at most natural health stores and online retailers as well as homeopathic medicine specialists. Since some retailers sell fake and at times dangerous versions of this herb, you want to make sure you are buying the real thing and you can know by researching what real ginkgo Biloba is supposed to be like.

Reduce Your Cell Phone Usage

You may find this hard to believe, but some medical researchers say that excessive cell phone usage could lead to a gradual development of tinnitus in your ear. If you want to get treatment for tinnitus after you tried hearing aids and not exposing yourself to loud noises, you should spend fewer hours on the cell phone and instead talk only when it is necessary or if you want to talk to people you haven’t heard from in a while.

Drug Cures

One of the best-known methods for how to stop ear ringing involves taking medication, though experts differ as to which medication is most effective. Some encourage patients to take ginko up to three times daily because this can increase blood circulation in the head and neck. Others claim that tinnitus is often caused by nasal congestion problems, and suggest taking a standard nasal decongestant three to four times daily for best results.


Many sufferers find that their tinnitus is worse when they are stressed. This may be psychological or maybe because of blood pressure changes that come with getting stressed out. Either way, one method for how to stop ear ringing focuses on relaxation. Listening to quiet music in a dark room can help, as can doing an activity that you find enjoyable. The most important thing is to get away from the things that are bothering you and clearing your head for a while.

Avoid Triggers

Another good method for how to stop ear ringing involves avoiding things that trigger it. For some people, these loud noises or sounds of a certain pitch. For others, it can be something ingested into the body, like alcohol, tobacco, or caffeine. It may take a while to figure out what exactly makes your ear ringing worse, but once you know what causes it, the best treatment may be to avoid those things entirely.

Lower Your Blood Pressure

Some people find that the only method for how to stop ear ringing that works for them is to lower their blood pressure. For some, this simply means avoiding sodium in the foods they eat. For others, it may mean taking a blood pressure medication to keep the problem under control. Exercise is helpful, too, as is losing weight if you are overweight. Since each of these can contribute to your blood pressure problem, a well-rounded scheme is often the most useful.

Get Some Rest

Inadequate rest and/or exhaustion can be a major trigger for tinnitus. If this seems to be true for you, then getting more rest may be the best method of how to stop ear ringing for you. This probably means sleeping more, but it might also mean rearranging your life so you do not get as tired or so there is more time for rest and recreation. In these cases, ear ringing often indicates a more systemic problem. See it as your body telling you that it needs to rest, and you may find yourself feeling better quickly.

If these methods for how to stop ear ringing don’t work for you, see your doctor. While there are times when a doctor can’t do very much for you, he may be able to find a solution that you missed. And it’s always good to let your doctor know about a condition like tinnitus, even if you have it under control.