Claim That Job

Your Journey to a Successful Career

The Power of Goal Setting

Have you ever wondered way some people are successful while others are not? Even though the term ’successful’ is subjective to that wants and needs of individuals, why do some people seem content while other are constantly struggling? One answer may be that those who are content take an active role in their success. More than just wishing for good things to happen to them, those who are proactive decide what they want, set realistic short and long term goals, and do their best to meet them. Setting goals is the first step in creating change in your life. It is through setting goals that you can learn what you want or need to lead a happy, successful life.

What are Goals?

Simply put, goals are plans. When you set a goal, you’re planning to make a change in your life. Whether it’s to complete a variety of tasks at work each day or improve your life by earning a promotion, you’re making plans for the future. Goals are considered either long term or short term. Most long term goals can take a few years to complete, while short term goals may only take a week to a few months to complete. Depending on your goals, you should always give yourself enough time to meet them.

Why are Goals Important?

Goals are important because they can help us determine what we want in life, they can give our lives more meaning, and they can keep us motivated. Without goals, most people would move through life without giving it meaning. This can lead to boredom, frustration, and unhappiness. Goals are also important for our self-esteem and our self-worth. If you didn’t set goals at the workplace, you would never know how valuable you were to the company. You may not be as productive either.

Write Down Your Goals

Writing down your goals is a great way to reinforce them in your mind and your soul. This is the first step to realizing these goals down the road. If you don’t take the time to write down your goals, you may forget them or put them off. This can have negative affects on your job and other areas of your life over time. After you write down your goals, refer to them often.  Planning to meet these goals can keep you focused and alert to new opportunities that can make reaching your goals a little easier. If it’s easier to create smaller goals along the way to reaching larger goals, then you should do so. This can keep you focused and motivated when trying to accomplish a larger goal.  

The Satisfaction of Reaching Your Goals

There are few occasions when you will be happier and feel more confident about yourself than when you reach one of your goals. It is very rewarding to look back and remember all the planning, actions, and events leading up to reaching your goals.

If you want to feel like a success, setting goals is the first step. While it is up to you to take the steps necessary to meet your goals, writing them done and acknowledging them is a step in the right direction.